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For Better Governance

by Harold Honeyfield

Harold Honeyfield The diverse information in this book will enhance the debate regarding the performance of elected officials of the federal government. Congress is characterized by partisan politics, party rhetoric and spin which creates distrust among citizens. The need for BIG money by elected officials to win the next election has created corruption within the Congress, and has left voters with no voice.

Congress has failed to address some of the most serious problems due to special interests, and thus has not properly provided the legislation needed. Better Governance is needed in all branches of the federal government to restore the integrity of elected officials. The book contains a discussion of current issues and of actions required to yield accountability of elected officials. The issues discussed are neither Republican nor Democratic, but are issues with tremendous impact upon the future of our Nation.

Chapters include:

  1. The Nation
    This chapter discusses items that effect the governance of our Nation, and presents recommendations for correcting the status quo.
    1. The National Budget
    2. Campaign Finance
    3. Income Tax
    4. The National Debt
    5. Primary and General Elections
    6. A National Language
    7. Immigration
    8. Other Nations within the US borders
  2. The Legislative Branch
    This chapter discusses items that effect the Congress and the methods for which business is conducted. Changes in this sector will be difficult, but the changes are a MUST for our democracy to survive.
    1. Congressional Oversight
    2. Congressional Districts
    3. Term of Office for Congressmen
    4. Compensation for Congressmen
    5. "Advise and Consent" clause
    6. Federal Retirement system
  3. The Executive Branch
    This chapter discusses items within the Executive Branch that are presently being abused, duplication of services, lack of accountability, and unfair voting practices. Changes would render a more efficient government with a greater reduction in waste of taxpayer dollars.
    1. Term of office for the President
    2. The Electoral College
    3. Organization of Executive Branch
    4. Land, Water, and Surveys
    5. Independent Quasi-Gov't Agencies
  4. The Judicial Branch
    This chapter discusses the GAP between the 'law' and 'justice'. Changes are necessary in order to restore 'fairness' to the judicial system and to clarify the laws that govern our daily lives, and the punishment when laws are violated.
    1. Term of Office
    2. Crime and Punishment
    3. Punitive Damages
    4. Rights of victims and prisoners
    5. Independent Council
    6. Public Defender
    7. American Culture
    8. Activist Judges
  5. The Citizens
    This chapter discusses the role of citizens in a Nation where the government is by elected officials, who establish the laws that govern We, the citizens of the Nation. Presently the citizens are hungry for a government that is honest and fair in legislation regarding our basic rights.
    1. Basic Rights
    2. Right to bear arms - gun control
    3. Right to retire
    4. Medical Health care
    5. Labor wages
    6. Personal Identity
    7. Abortion
    8. Voter Proposals
  6. Other issues
    This chapter discusses some items that Congress has made attempts to legislate, but has made a mess of many issues due to corruption and special interest groups. These items need far greater attention and changes are needed to bring about fairness and accountability.
    1. Money Management
    2. US Census
    3. Gambling
    4. Illegal Drugs
    5. Metric System
    6. Presidential Pardons
    7. Education
    8. Affirmative Action
State Legislatures have the power to enact changes, as they are the fourth leg of the stool of democracy, and if actions are taken, our posterity will render a huge thank you. Congress will not change, nor will Congress address these items; which leaves the only route to our salvation is with the State Legislatures. The most important facts about changes enacted by State Legislatures are that Congress is Not involved, the President does not have veto power, and the Governors are not in the loop either; thus State Legislatures have the sole power to control Congress.

We, the People, want changes in order to restore the accountability of our elected officials and to bring about a more efficient government with prudent use of the taxpayer dollars.

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